BROADCAST DAY – radio station WSJV Full broadcast day from September 21, 1939 ===================================== 1 Sundial with Arthur Godfrey 2 Sundial continuation 3-conclusion Sundial b) Magic Carpet c) Bachelor’s Children 4 a) Pretty Kitty Kelly b) Myrt and Marge c) Hilltop House (Palmolive) d) Stepmother (Colgate) 5 a)News; Mary Lee Taylor b) Brenda Curtis (Campbell) c) Big Sister (Rinso) d) Aunt Jenny’s Storytime (Spry) 6 a) Jean Abbey b) When a Girl Marries (Prudential Ins.) c) Romance of Helen Trent d) Our Gal Sunday 7 a) The Goldbergs (Oxydol b) Life Can Be Beautiful c) Road of Life (Chipso) d) This Day is Ours (Crisco) 8 a) Sunshine Report b) The Life & Love of Dr. Susan (Lux soap) c) Your Family and Mine (Sealtest) d) News: Albert Warner; Congress in session 9 Congress Presidential address 10 a) conclusion Congress; Comments following address b) Rhythm and Romance c) Scattergood Baines (Wrigley 11 Baseball; Cleveland Indians vs Washington Senators 12 a) conclusion ball game b) Sports newscast 13 a)Amos & Andy (Campbell) b) The Parker Family (Woodbury) c) Joe E. Brown Program (Post Toasties 14 a) Ask It Basket (Colgate) b) Strange As It Seems (Palmolive c) News 15 Major Bowes Amateur Hour 16 Columbia Workshop “Now It’s Summer” 17 a) American’s at Work b) News 18 a) News-Edwin C. Hill b) Music c) Albert Warner midweek news 19 a) Teddy Powell Band b) Louis Prima c) Bob Chester Orchestra d) News 19